Lake Ontario at mouth of Duffins
Creek in Ajax east of Toronto on 1 December 2005
Pacific Loons breed sparsely in Ontario
along the Hudson Bay coast in northern Ontario. They are a prized
find in southern Ontario.
Pacific Loons in juvenal plumage have
distinctly scaly backs in rows. They have a faint narrow chinstrap
forming a dark line across the throat at the top of the neck. They
show a clearcut divide between the straight or smoothly curved
vertical dark border separating the white foreneck and gray hindneck.
Pacific Loons often show a more cobra-like puffy head than Common
Loons. 1 December 2005.
Pacific Loon in juvenal plumage showing
scaly back, chinstrap and clearcut divide between white foreneck
and gray hindneck. Ajax, 1 December 2005.