Cory's Least Bittern in Royal Ontario Museum, Toronto

Specimens of Cory's Least Bittern, a very rare colour morph of the Least Bittern once found at Ashbridges Bay Marsh in Toronto, Ontario. Compare 13 Cory's with typical male Least Bittern third from right on top.


For more information about Cory's Least Bittern click here

Ron Pittaway holding a mounted specimen of Cory's Least Bittern on 22 March 2011.


 Cory's Least Bittern (top) and typical Least Bittern.


Cory's Least Bittern on left and typical on right. In addition to having a darker plumage, Cory's has a darker bill than normal Least Bittern on right.


Some Cory's show albinism (leucism) and melanism below or a combinations of both.


For more information about Cory's Least Bittern click here