Carden Alvar 2014


Ontario's Grassland and Shrubland Bird Capital

Prairie Smoke, Carden Alvar's signature wildflower, at its peak on 10 June 2014


The seed heads create beautiful drifts of colour moving in the breeze. 10 June 2014.


Yellow Lady's-Slipper orchids were in full bloom on 10 June 2014


The number of Eastern Loggerhead Shrikes in Ontario is very low at 10 breeding pairs plus some single unmated birds, such as this one above. 6 pairs are on the Carden Alvar. 10 June 2014.


Cattle grazing maintains the habitat for the endangered Eastern Loggerhead Shrike and other grassland birds, many of which are species of special concern.


This Brown Thrasher was feeding young on 10 June 2014


Upland Sandpiper, a shorebird that breeds on alvars, grasslands and rough pastures.


Male Eastern Bluebird on the Windmill Ranch sign on Wylie Road, see below. 10 June 2014


A pair of Eastern Bluebirds stayed for a long time on the Windmill Ranch sign on Wylie Road on 10 June 2014. Up to this date no bluebirds occupied bluebird box 10, but this pair was investigating, and on 15 June they were going in and out of bluebird box 10. On 1 June 2014, Herb Furniss who operates the Carden Bluebird Trail reported that Eastern Bluebirds are doing fine but nestings have been later than average. Herb has 18 active nest boxes with 39 eggs and 44 young.



Birding Guide and Map to Carden Alvar