First Year Male Harlequin Duck at Humber Bay West in Toronto

This first year male Harlequin Duck has been at Humber Bay West for several weeks. Ron Pittaway and I saw it close to shore on 27 February 2016. Reasons why we aged it as first year: 1. Lacks conspicuous white scapular stripe of adult. 2. Lacks white tertials. 3. Reddish areas on head and sides less extensive and duller.


4. Neck collar is dull mottled white. Sharper more conspicuous in adult. 5. Pale edges on breast feathers.  6. Compared to adult males it's overall a duller bird. Dark areas should be clear black. Humber Bay West on 27 February 2016.


It was very active feeding with Redheads, Greater Scaup, Gadwall, Common Goldeneyes and Mallards. 27 February 2016.


It was diving frequently. Shape of tail feathers may indicate age. 27 February 2016.

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