Point Pelee Highlights 2016 page 2

Whip-poor-will was close to Woodland Trail. It turned while we were watching it. VIDEO, please click on photo or link: Whip-poor-will turning. 14 May 2016.


We had excellent views, including its tail. 14 May 2016


This Black-billed Cuckoo was very close to the trail south of tip tram stop. It was jumping around in the branches and catching insects. 19 May 2016


We watched this male Wild Turkey displaying on Redbud Trail on 20 May. Please click photo or link to see video: Wild Turkey displaying


Hooded Warbler on 30 April 2016


Blue-winged Warbler on 30 April 2016. It was a good year for seeing this warbler at Point Pelee



Point Pelee Highlights 2016 page 1 includes Summer Tanager, Worm-eating Warbler

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