Markham Geese in October 2008

Scroll down for seven photos of Cackling, Canada, Ross's and blue morph Snow Geese

Two Richardson's Cackling Geese Branta hutchinsii hutchinsii in front of Canada Goose at Sunken Pond, 9th Line & Donald Cousens Parkway, Markham, on 10 October 2008.


Same two Richardson's Cackling Geese at Sunken Pond in Markham on 10 October 2008


Close-up of Richardson's Cackling Goose at Sunken Pond in Markham on 10 October 2008


Adult Ross's Goose at Reesor Pond in Markham on 13 October 2008


Same adult Ross's Goose at Reesor Pond in Markham on 13 October 2008


Two juvenile-first basic blue morph Snow Geese at Sunken Pond in Markham on 10 October 2008. 64% of Snow Geese breeding in the Cape Henrietta Maria Colony on the Ontario Hudson Bay coast are blue morph. The colony on Akimiski Island in James Bay is 77% blue morph (Ontario Breeding Bird Atlas 2007).


Adult blue morph Snow Goose at Reesor Pond in Markham on 13 October 2008