More Pink Ring-billed Gulls at Oshawa

Three Ring-billed Gulls with pink flush were among normal ones at Oshawa Harbour on 18 February 2016. At Ajax Rotary Park on the same date there were none among 180 Ring-billeds. At Frenchman's Bay on 21 February, one was among about 150 Ring-billeds.


All three pink ones also had vivid yellow legs and bill.


Pinkness in Ring-billed Gulls is supposedly linked to diet. What are these birds eating to trigger this pinkness?


Good article in Birding The Peculiar Puzzle of the Pink Ring-billed Gulls Vol 35(5); 498-503. October 2003.


If you would like to read this article, please email me for pdf: jeaniron2 A T hotmail DOT com or message me on Facebook


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