Thayer's and more Kumlien's Gulls at Ashbridges Bay in Toronto - page 2

Thayer's Gull in Toronto on 5 February 2017. There were two identified as Thayer's based on these characters: good overall size compared to Herring; mantle shade same as Herring, blackish primaries approaching Herring, white tips in primaries not surrounded by black as in Herring; the amount of winter head streaking is typical of Thayer's Gull; and dark eyed. This individual had a good amount of winter head streaking.


Thayer's Gull at Ashbridges Bay. Because it's a cline, the cut-off between species and subspecies is arbitrary.


Two Thayer's Gulls at Ashbridges Bay on 5 February 2017.


Second Thayer's with medium winter head streaking. Ashbridges Bay on 5 February 2017.


Kumlien's with dark grey primaries. Ashbridges Bay on 5 February 2017.


Kumlien's with darkish grey primaries. Ashbridges Bay on 5 February 2017.


Link to Kumlien's Gulls - page 1