Rare Nominate glaucoides Iceland Gull in Toronto

A group of us that included Ron Pittaway, Owen Strickland, Richard Beardon and others found this rare adult nominate glaucoides Iceland Gull in breeding plumage at Ashbridge's Bay in Toronto on 15 April 2017. We identified it based on a suite of field marks: paler grey mantle compared to nearby adult Kumlien's Gulls, pure white primaries, no hint of grey anywhere in the primary tips, very pale yellow eye with no flecks, and small size compared to nearby adult Kumlien's Gulls.


It slept most of the time. Its long wings are noticeable. Toronto on 15 April 2017. Until recently most birders in North America were reluctant to identify nominate glaucoides Iceland Gulls for fear of being criticized. However glaucoides can be identified with reasonable certainty by a combination of character traits listed under top photo.


It was also present at Ashbridge's Bay in Toronto on 16 April 2017.


Richard Beardon took an excellent open wing photo showing the immaculate white wingtips and gave permission to post it here. 15 April 2017

The above photo is from Richard Beardon's eBird checklist on 15 April 2017: http://ebird.org/ebird/view/checklist/S36010043


More Info about Nominate glaucoides Iceland Gull


Documentation for glaucoides in Ontario: Specimen collected in Ottawa


Nominate glaucoides Iceland Gull at Bluffer's Park in east end Toronto on 1 February 2015


Links to glaucoides Iceland Gull on the breeding grounds in Greenland:

1. Ilulissat in August 2005  and 2. Sisimiut in western Greenland in 2013