Darlington Piping Plovers

This is one of four Piping Plover chicks at west exclosure in Darlington Provincial Park, east of Toronto. 15 July 2016.


Click on photo or here for Video of Piping Plover Chicks


Two of four Piping Plover very young chicks at the west exclosure feeding along shoreline in Darlington Provincial Park. 15 July 2016


It was a pleasure to meet "Plover Guardians" Larry Fawthrop and Karin Fawthrop, volunteers who watch over the plovers.


Adult Piping Plover with chick in background at east exclosure. The three chicks at this location are older than the west group. 15 July


Compare this Piping Plover chick to the ones in the first photos. It's older. 15 July 2016.


Well done everyone who is helping to protect the Piping Plovers. 15 July 2016