Shorebirds at Presqu'ile Provincial Park - August

Juvenile Sanderlings with juvenile Semipalmated Sandpiper and juvenile Least Sandpiper at Owen Point on 22 August 2016. There's lots of algae on the beacb.


Video of juvenile Stilt Sandpiper and Lesser Yellowlegs


Juvenile Stilt Sandpiper at Owen Point in Presqu'ile Provincial Park on 22 August 2016. Out of 12 species of shorebirds present, 10 were mostly juveniles.


Juvenile Stilt and Juvenile Lesser Yellowlegs at Owen Point in Presqu'ile Provincial Park on 22 August 2016.


Juvenile Pectoral Sandpiper at Owen Point in Presqu'ile Provincial Park on 22 August 2016.


Juvenile Baird's Sandpiper at Owen Point in Presqu'ile Provincial Park on 22 August 2016.


Juvenile Ruddy Turnstone at Owen Point in Presqu'ile Provincial Park on 22 August 2016.


Juvenile Semipalmated Sandpiper at Owen Point in Presqu'ile Provincial Park on 22 August 2016.


Juvenile Semipalmated Plover at Owen Point in Presqu'ile Provincial Park on 22 August 2016.


Juvenile Least Sandpiper at Owen Point in Presqu'ile Provincial Park on 22 August 2016.


Molting adult White-rumped Sandpiper at Owen Point in Presqu'ile Provincial Park on 22 August 2016.