Quest Nature Tours

Costa Rica and Panama Cruise

19 to 29 March 2009, Page 1 of 4. Scroll down for 8 photos

Basilisk Lizard at Manuel Antonio National Park, Costa Rica, on 21 March 2009

Many thanks to our Quest participants for their good spotting, and to our guides on the Pacific Explorer.

Red-backed Squirrel Monkey at Manuel Antonio National Park, Costa Rica, on 21 March 2009


Adult Three-toed Sloth at Manuel Antonio on 21 Marcch

Young Three-toed Sloth at Manuel Antonio on 21 March.


Young Northern Raccoons drink and cool off in pools of fresh water under the shower at Manuel Antonio on 21 March

White-lined Sac-winged Bats at Manuel Antonio on 21 March
Wood Stork at Manuel Antonio on 21 March. Double-toothed Kite at Manuel Antonio on 21 March.
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