Panama Birding

29 March to 2 April 2009.

 Sunbittern on Plantation Road. One of my most wanted birds. 1 April 2009.

Many thanks to Canopy Tower's excellent bird guides: Jose Perez and Alexis Sanchez. Carlos Bethancourt was also most helpful.
 Page 1 of 5. Scroll down for 8 photos, then go to page 2.

Canopy Tower on Semaphore Hill is the ideal spot for birders.


We watched a Piratic Flycatcher harass a Great Kiskadee until the kiskadee abandoned its nest above. Old Gamboa Road on.29 March 2009,

Streaked Saltator on Old Gamboa Road. 29 March 2009.

Female Green Honeycreeper on Old Gamboa Road. 29 March 2009.
Panama Flycatcher on Old Gamboa Road. 29 March 2009.
Male Blue Dacnis at the Observation Tower in Soberania National Park. 30 March 2009.
Female Blue Dacnis at the Observation Tower in Soberania National Park. 30 March 2009.

End of Panama 1. Now go to Panama 2.