Panama Birding at Canopy Tower - page 1 of 5

12-15 March 2010

Collared Araçari at Gamboa Resort on 15 March 2010


My third visit to Canopy Tower was a great success. Birds, birding guides and ambience at the Tower are the best. Domiciano Alveo was my excellent guide on most days, and Jose Soto also excellent guided on several trips. Carlos Bethancourt had a warm welcome and helped me with bird identification.

Scroll down for 8 photos, then go to Panama page 2.


We often found trogons near an active termite nest where both male and female were excavating the hole to build a nest.

Male Black-throated Trogon (left) and male White-tailed Trogon on Pipeline Road


Male Black-tailed Trogon (yellow bill) Female Black-tailed Trogon (yellow bill), Pipeline Road,12 March

Male Slaty-tailed Trogon (orange bill) and female Slaty-tailed Trogon (orange bill), Pipeline Road. 12 March 2010 
Male Violaceous Trogon excavating the termite nest at the bottom of Semaphore Hill at Plantation Road. 12 March 2010
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