Wilson's Phalarope at Blenheim Lagoons |
Male Wilson's
Phalarope at Blenheim Lagoons on 21 May 2018.
Males have a duller breeding plumage than females. |
VIDEO: Wilson's Phalarope preening, swimming and feeding |
Male Wilson's Phalarope. |
White-rumped Sandpiper
in breeding plumage and Semipalmated Sandpiper also in breeding
plumage on 21 May 2018. |
VIDEO: Shorebirds feeding in the sprinklers at Blenheim Lagoons |
Semipalmated Sandpiper
in breeding plumage on 21 May 2018. |
Dunlin in breeding
plumage on 21 May 2018 |
Dunlin and
White-rumped Sandpiper pecking insects off the water at Blenheim
Lagoons on 21 May 2018. |
Sprinklers at Blenheim
is where the shorebirds are |