Bittern in Toronto |
This Least Bittern
is at Colonel Sam Smith Park in Toronto. Unabashed by many
observers, it stalks and feeds in full view. We saw a repertoire of
behaviours that are captured in the video. These include
flicking its wings suddenly as it
walks likely to scare prey, and swaying its neck back and forth as a
technique "to overcome glare, to increase camouflage, or to have
muscles in movement when strike begins." (Birds of North America
online). 24
May 2018. |
VIDEO: Least Bittern stalking prey and consuming a fish |
It remains motionless
for long periods, staring at the water, waiting for prey to come
within range. |
Here it takes on a stick-like pose with
long neck extended as it waits, clinging to vegetation over water
with its large feet and long claws. In this way it can forage in
deeper water than the length of its legs allow. |
On its foraging
platform over the water, it will catch fish and other prey. |
We watched it catch several small fish.
A varied diet includes frogs, tadpoles, crayfish, insects, snakes,
leeches, salamanders, mice. (Source: Birds of North America online). |