Upland Sandpiper in Carden
Pittaway |
First published in the Toronto Ornithological Club Newsletter, June
2018, Number 278 |
Upland Sandpiper on the Carden Alvar by
Jean Iron |
The Carden Alvar is the best place in Ontario to see
and hear the Upland Sandpiper on the breeding grounds. It is local
and uncommon in the province. The Upland’s far-carrying and
curlew-like whistled song, whooooleeeeee-wheeee-loooooooooooo,
is the spirit of the alvar meadows. It sings and displays most often
in the morning. |
The first Upland Sandpipers arrive from South America in late April
and most have departed by mid-August. In spring, before the young
hatch, they are heard more often than seen, partly because one of
the pair is incubating. The best time to see and photograph Upland
Sandpipers is after the eggs hatch starting in early June. Suddenly
both adults become much more visible taking exposed perches to watch
over their young hidden in the grass. Adults guarding young are also
more vocal and fly around giving kip-ip-ip-ip alarm calls. A
liquid flight call pulip also helps detect them. |
The Upland is a dryland sandpiper that strictly avoids water,
preferring short grass fields. Its flickering wing beats (shallow
strokes) suggest a Spotted Sandpiper’s flight, but the Spotted
inhabits shorelines. The Upland frequently perches on fence posts,
utility wires and dead trees. Upon landing, it often raises its
wings straight up for a moment, exposing the underwings. These
habits along with its thin neck, dove-like head, large dark eyes,
short bill and long tail serve to identify the Upland Sandpiper. It
is entirely a visual feeder and may have large eyes for that reason.
It eats mainly insects and some seeds. |
A close look is needed to tell adults from juveniles. They are best
aged from photos. Adults have dark barring on the scapulars, wing
coverts and tertials. Juveniles have narrow pale fringes on the
scapulars and coverts imparting a scaly appearance. The first
fledged juveniles are seen in late June. Adults migrate before the
juveniles and late staying birds are invariably juveniles. |
The Upland Sandpiper is an atypical short-billed curlew in the
subfamily Numeniinae. It is related to the extinct Eskimo Curlew and
It was named Bartramian Sandpiper in 1886 in the
first American Ornithologists' Union (AOU) Check-list honouring
American naturalist William Bartram. Its name changed to Upland
Plover in 1910 in the third edition of the check-list. Why change
the name to plover when it is clearly not a plover? The explanation
may be the Upland’s preference for fields and its habit of running
and stopping plover-like to jab prey. Sixty-three years later the
AOU (1973) renamed it Upland Sandpiper in the 32nd supplement to
the check-list. The reason was “to
avoid misleading taxonomic implications, where a better name already
has wide acceptance.” |
The Upland Sandpiper is declining in Ontario and across its range.
Loss of grasslands is the main cause. Fortunately, core areas of the
Carden Alvar have been acquired by Ontario Parks, Nature Conservancy
of Canada and the Couchiching Conservancy. The Toronto
Ornithological Club played an important role in the acquisition of
properties that now protect breeding populations of Upland Sandpiper
and other grassland birds. |
I thank Michel Gosselin for taxonomic advice and Jean Iron for
photos and helpful comments. |
Upland Sandpiper on the Carden Alvar |