James Bay
Shorebirds and Habitats. Page 1: August 1 - 9, 2005. |
I thank Ken Abraham and Carrie Sadowski
of the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources for including me in
their James Bay research project. |
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Mostly adult White-rumped Sandpipers. |
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Looking north along James
Bay at the mouth of the Moose River about 20 kilometres north of
Moosonee. |
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Mudflats at low tide with
helicopter for scale. |
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Shallow tidal areas stretch for
hundreds of kilometres making James Bay of international importance to
migrating shorebirds. |
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Molting adult White-rumped
Sandpipers on 8 August 2005. |
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Fresh juvenile Semipalmated
Plover on 7 August 2005. |
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Fresh juvenile Semipalmated
Sandpiper on 8 August 2005. |
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Molting adult Greater Yellowlegs with tiny fish
in its bill on 9 August 2005. |
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Fresh juvenile Greater
Yellowlegs with tiny fish in its bill on 9 August 2005. |
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Fresh juvenile Lesser
Yellowlegs on 7 August 2005. |