Variation in Long-billed Dowitchers

Fifteen Long-billed-Dowitchers were at Blenheim Lagoons on 6 May 2010 showing individual variation from lightly barred and marked to heavily barred.


A  heavily barred individual with dense spotting across the neck  Blemheim on 6 May 2010.

A  heavily barred individual with dense spotting across the neck  Blemheim on 6 May 2010.

Not heavily barred on the sides of the breast but densely spotted across the neck. Blenheim on 6 May 2010.


A lightly marked individual with dense spotting across the neck. Blenheim Lagoons on 6 May 2010.


A very lightly marked Long-billed Dowitcher that could be mistaken for hendersoni Short-billed Dowitcher. Blenheim Lagoons on 6 May 2010.


Narrow white bars on the tail are typical of Long-billed. Blenheim Lagoons on 6 May 2010.


See also these pages about Long-billed Dowitcher identification: