Lagunas de Ventanilla

with Alejandro Tello

In the afternoon of 4 November 2014, we visited Lagunas de Ventanilla, a coastal wetland north of Lima, where we found two good birds among the regularly occurring species: Hudsonian Godwit and Laughing Gull.


One of two Hudsonian Godwits in winter plumage - rare overwintering migrant from North America.


Adult Laughing Gull in breeding plumage - uncommon.


Regularly Occurring Birds

Black-necked Stilt


Male and female Cinnamon Teal


Andean Coot. This individual has a yellowish bill and chestnut shield. Others we saw had a white shield and white bill.


White-cheeked Pintail


There were at least 30 Wilson's Phalaropes overwintering migrants from the northern hemisphere.


Gray-hooded Gull in breeding plumage


Striated Heron


Puna Ibis


End of Peru 2014. See links below,