Andes Introtour - Ecuador - with Tropical Birding Page 1 of 4

17-22 November 2012

Sword-billed Hummingbird at Yanacocha Reserve, Ecuador. 17 November 2012


Here's a selection from the 313 species we saw or heard during the 6-day trip. Scroll down for 11 photos, then go to page 2.

Andes around Yanacocha Reserve, Ecuador. 17 November 2012


Glossy Flowerpiercer at Yanacocha Reserve

Barred Fruiteater at Yanacocha Reserve


Andean Lapwing near Yanacocha on 17 November 2012

Slaty-backed Chat-Tyrant near a river in the valley. 17 Nov 2012


Black-tailed Trainbearer on the way to Yanacocha. 17 November 2012


Buff-winged Starfrontlet at Yanacocha Reserve. 17 November 2012


Golden-breasted Puffleg (front) with Buff-winged Starfrontlet at Yanacocha Reserve.


Tawny Antpitta came to a worm-feeding station at the entrance to Yanacocha Reserve. 17 November 2012


Rufous Antpitta also came to worms down the trail near the hummingbird feeders at Yanacocha Reserve. 17 November 2012.


Birding mountain roads in the Andes, our group of 8 with our guide Gabriel Buchelli. 17 November 2012.


Now go to Andes Introtour Page  2