James Bay Shorebird Surveys 2013 - Hannah Bay

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Hudsonian Godwits - molting adults resting at high tide. Our high count was 463 on 22 July 2013.


In 2013, the Canadian Wildlife Service, Royal Ontario Museum, Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and Bird Studies Canada in cooperation with the Moose Cree First Nation, are operating three camps on southern James Bay: East Point on Hannah Bay, Little Piskwamish Point and Longridge Point. I was at Hannah Bay. These are the first shorebird surveys at Hannah Bay located about 70 km east of Moosonee and about 15 km west of the Quebec border.


We are grateful to the Moose Cree First Nation owners who rented their comfortable camp.


There were three of us on Hannah Bay at East Point. Left to right are Christian Friis, Shorebird Biologist with the Canadian Wildlife Service, and volunteers Antonio Coral and Jean Iron from Toronto.


The high tide mark was 200 metres from camp. The estuary in front of camp flooded at high tide twice a day. Marbled Godwits looking for a roost site. 20 July 2013.


At low tide we walked to the other side where feeding shorebirds concentrated.


Antonio (left|) and Christian sieve mud samples to determine what the shorebirds are eating. They found various invertebrates and small shellfish, including many tiny red marine worms and the bivalve Macoma balthica. 29 July 2013.


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