James Bay Sparrows - page 4 of 6

Le Conte's Sparrow on Spotted Water-Hemlock or Cowbane (Cicuta maculata) on 7 August.


Video of Le Conte's Sparrow


Nelson's Sparrow, subspecies alter, in cattails on 3 August.


These two Nelson's Sparrows flew into nets for Yellow Rails and provided a valuable lesson on individual variation. Closest bird on right is brighter than the left bird, so one might assume it's the male. However it had a brood patch and is most likely the female of the pair. The duller bird to the left had a cloacal protrusion making it male. They were released unbanded. 6 August. Thanks to Ross Wood for showing us the sparrows in this and the next photo.


Michel Gosselin of the Canadian Museum of Nature commented. These two Nelson's Sparrows show how much the James Bay population (alter) is intermediate between the St. Lawrence River population (subvirgatus) and the Prairie population (nominate nelsoni). The front bird would go unnoticed among Manitoba Nelson's Sparrows and the same is true for the back bird among St. Lawrence River birds.


Brood patch on brighter individual. 6 August.


Savannah Sparrows were abundant everywhere in the prairie-like habitat.


Fox Sparrow near camp on 3 August.


Dark-eyed Junco was out on the south ridge foraging among washed up logs, strange habitat for a junco.


High spring floods wash woody debris down rivers flowing into James Bay, which later washes onto the shorelines during storms.


Please go to camp crew and Gray Jays- Page 5