James Bay Shorebird Project 2016 - page 3 of 7


The Wrack

The Wrack of kelp was a big attraction to shorebirds. Hundred at a time fed on it. Allie sampled the invertebrates to figure out what the shorebirds were eating. It's teeming with larvae and other invertebrates. All photos below are on The Wrack.



Shorebirds feeding on The Wrack

Bonaparte's Gulls feeding at The Wrack


The Wrack benefited from being refreshed by higher tides.


Adult White-rumped Sandpiper on 7 August 2016. This recently arrived individual from the Canadian Arctic will soon commence its molt into winter plumage. We counted 3400 molting adults on 7 August. James Bay is the most important fall staging area for this sandpiper in North America. After fattening most overfly southern Canada and the United States going to South America.


Juvenile Semipalmated Sandpiper arrived in big numbers on 7 and 8 August 2016.


Juvenile Hudsonian Godwit on 7 August 2016.


Adult Buff-breasted Sandpiper on 7 August 2016.


Molting adult Black-bellied Plover on 11 August 2016.


Neatly scaled above, this juvenile Semipalmated Plover fed on The Wrack. 7 August 2016.


Adult Ruddy Turnstones on 7 August 2016.


Juvenile Red-necked Phalarope on 7 August 2016.


Killdeer on 11 August


The Wrack on 6 August looked a little dry but was still very attractive to shorebirds.


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