James Bay Shorebird Project 2016 - page 5 of 7


Other Birds

Dan Froehlich first found this juvenile Prairie Falcon on 26 July 2016 at Longridge. Dan spotted it again on August 6 and Barb Charlton had brief views. She promised she would find it for me and she did! Barb refound it in West Bay at Longridge when it scared up shorebirds and then perched on this log. This is presumably the same Prairie Falcon seen at Little Piskwamish South on August 2, 10 and 11. Photo Barbara Charlton.


Juvenile Prairie Falcon refound by Barb Charlton on 6 August 2016. To confirm age we sent photos to Jerry Liguori, a leading authority on North American raptors. Jerry stated that it is a "juvenile only a few months old”. Aged by its perfectly fringed upperwing coverts, clean set of feathers lacking molt, and bluish or colorless cere.


First summer Franklin's Gull originally found on Jul 28 by the first crew, and refound by Jean on 31 July 2016, then it flew to feed at The Wrack. It was seen again on Aug 2 and 6. Video of Franklin's Gull feeding on The Wrack.


White-winged Crossbills occurred daily in White Spruce at camp. 9 August 2016. On 2 August we saw flocks flying in off James Bay.


Savannah Sparrow is the commonest sparrow at Longridge. 9 August 2016.


Bonaparte's Gulls gather on the coast prior to their southbound migration. High count 2049 on 10 August.


First year Rusty Blackbird on The Wrack on 11 August. Rusty Blackbirds fed daily at this location.


Molting adult Rusty Blackbird on 11 August 2016.


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