Honduras-Canada Trade Mission 12-18 March 2017
Lake Yojoa - page 4 of 8
Birding Lago Yojoa - Sector La Ensenada, one of the many hotspots around Lake Yojoa on 15 March 2017. Our eBird checklist tallied 78 species on this stretch alone.
Lago Yojoa - Sector La Ensenada
Click on photo for video: Sharing the birding road with curious cattle.
Another hotspot on the lake is Honduyate Marina, Restaurant and Hotel
We took a ride on the lake in this boat from Honduyate Marina.
Spotting birds from boat ride on Lake Yojoa.
Birding the gardens at Honduyate Marina
Floating mats of vegetation on Lake Yojoa create a natural and national treasure.
Please click photo for White-tailed Kite hunting over the marsh at Lake Yojoa on 16 March 2017
Snail Kites were common
Snail Kite
Please click photo for video of this pair of Red-legged Honeycreepers bashing into their reflection in the window and mirror of a parked vehicle, thinking there are intruders into their territory. The female has a broken bill. 16 March 2017.
Over 100 Black-necked Stilts gathered at the edge of Lake Yojoa on 15 March 2017.
Left to right: Oliver Komar, Jared Clarke, Katinka Domen, William Orellana and Jean Iron. Katinka and William were amazing in birding skill and personality.
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