Southeast Peru 2014

14 October to 4 November 2014


Page 1 of 13 - Cusco to Machu Picchu

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Dazzling male Cock-of-the-Rock is the national bird of Peru. At the lek on Manu Road on 21 October 2014


Our group from left to right: David Beadle (leader), Alex Durand (leader), Declan Troy, Celeste Morien, Betsy Potter and Willie D'Anna. Birding Manu Road on 20 October 2014. Many thanks to David Beadle for organizing this 20 birding days trip, Alex Durand our Peruvian expert leader, and my congenial enthusiastic travel companions: Declan, Celeste, Betsy and Willie.


Giant Hummingbird near Huacarpay Lake and Cusco on 14 October 2014.


ENDEMIC Beared Mountaineer near Cusco and Huacarpay Lake on 14 October 2014


Yellow-billed Teal at Huacarpay Lake on 14 October 2014


Our group at Machu Picchu left to right: Declan, Celeste, Jean, Betsy and Willie.


Northern Viscacha is a rodent that lives in the ruins at Machu Picchu. 15 October 2014


Female Cock-of-the-Rock across Urubamba River at Aguas Calientes near Machu Picchu on 16 October 2014


Highland Motmot at Aguas Calientes on 16 October 2014


Andean Guan near Aguas Calientes on 16 October


Golden-crowned Flycatcher at Aguas Calientes on 16 October 2014


Slate-throated Whitestart near Agua Calientes and Machu Picchu on 15 October


Female (front) and male Torrent Duck on the Urubamba River at Aguas Calientes on 16 October 2014


Birding the road from Aguas Calientes to the bridge.


Now go to page 2 - Abra Malaga