Southeast Peru 2014

Page 8 - Pampas del Heath

Red-and-green Macaws at the clay lick in Peru near Heath River Wildlife Center on 30 October 2014. This was a spectacle of nature.


Red-and-green Macaws at the clay lick in Peru near Heath River Wildlife Center on 30 October 2014


Peach-fronted Macaws at the clay lick in Peru near Heath River Wildlife Center on 30 October 2014


Pampas del Heath, spanning Peru and Bolivia, is an open grassland surrounded by Amazon jungle. It provides habitat for many rare and endangered species. In Bolivia on 29 October 2014.


White-eared Puffbirds at Pampas del Heath, Bolivia,  on 29 October 2014


Yellow-headed Caracara at Pampas del Heath, Bolivia, on 29 October 2014.


White-lored Tyrannulet at Pampas del Heath Wildlife Center, Bolivia, on 29 October 2014.


A gathering of butterflies beside the Heath River in Peru on 30 October 2014.


Caiman at the dock at Heath River Wildlife Center in Bolivia on 30 October 2014.


Channel-billed Toucan at Pampas del Heath on 29 October 2014


Now go to page 9 - Pucusana