James Bay Shorebird Project 2017
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Shorebirds - 30 July to 14 August 2016 |
Bright juvenile
Short-billed Dowitcher on 31 July 2017.
Click on photo above or this link for VIDEO of Short-billed
Dowitchers feeding |
Juvenile Stilt
Sandpiper on 12 August 2017.
V|IDEO: Stilt feeding with Short-billed Dowitchers. |
Adult Ruddy Turnstone on 6 August
2017. High count of 279 on 8 August.
VIDEO: click on photo above or this link for adult & juvenile Ruddy
Turnstones. |
Juvenile Ruddy Turnstone on 10
August 2017. We saw our first juvenile turnstone on 7 August 2017. |
Adult female American
Golden-Plover on 7 August 2017.
VIDEO: click photo above or this link. |
American Golden-Plover in winter
plumage. This may be a first year (year old) bird that molted early
into winter plumage. Note lack of a hind toe. Paskwatchi Point on 6 August 2017. |
Molting adult Black-bellied Plover on 6
August 2017. Our high count was 112 on 12 and 13 August. Like
Whimbrel, Black-bellied Plovers are very wary.
Paskwachi Point
on 6
August 2017. |
Adult Greater Yellowlegs already molted into
winter plumage on 10 August 2017 with adult Ruddy Turnstone. |
Juvenile Greater Yellowlegs on 8
August 2017 |
Dan spotted an adult
buff-breasted Sandpiper on 11 August 2017. This was our second. |
Adult male Wilson's Phalarope on 2
August, with a high count of 6 (5 juveniles, 1 unknown age) on 6
August. A small isolated population breeds in the prairie-like
marshes of James Bay. |
Juvenile Red-necked
Phalarope on 2 August 2017. This was a good year with 8 seen on 10
August. |
Mark Dorriesfield was the chief surveyor.
VIDEO peeps on the mudflats |
End of page 2.
Now go to page 3. |