James Bay Shorebird Project 2017
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Crew - 30 July to 14 August 2017 |
Crew: Dan Froehlich (WA State), Nicole
Richardson (ON), Jean Iron (ON), Kiah Walker (NH), Mark Dorriesfield
(ON), Anne Blondin (ON). I thank my crew mates for their camaraderie
and dedication to shorebirds. |
Banding crew: Kiah
Walker, Dan Froehlich and Nicole Richardson |
Motus tracking tower on Longridge has a radius of about 15 km for tracking shorebirds with nano-tags
- see location on map on page 1. The tower also has a weather station recording
temperature, pressure, wind, precipitation and more, all things that
just a few years ago were done manually. The contact sounds are
recorded in an instrument at the base of the tower and will be analyzed
later as to species. |
Dan, Nicole and Kiah at work banding and
putting on nano-tags. 2017 priorities are: White-rumped,
Semipalmated, Least Sandpiper, Pectoral Sandpiper, Red Knot,
Semipalmated Sandpipewr, Pectoral Sandpiper, Lesser Yellowlegs and
Hudsonian Godwit |
Nano tag with antenna is attached to the
rump of the bird. The white flag is for Canada with large letters so
that it can be read easily in the field. |
The semipalmations (partial webbing) between the toes are
visible on this Semipalmated Sandpiper. |
This White-rumped
Sandpiper was banded in 2016, and resighted on 2 August 2017. |
Hudsonian Godwit on 2 August 2017.
VIDEO of adult feeding |
Adult (left) and
juvenile Pectoral Sandpiper on 10 August 2017. First juvenile on
7 August. |
Molting adult
Sanderlings at
Paskwachi Point (the gravel ridge south of Longridge)
on 10 August 2017. High count 146 on 13th. |
Molting adult Sanderling on 1 August
2017. The black material is kelp or seaweed, which forms large mats
along the shore. It becomes rich in larvae and other invertebrate
food for shorebirds. |
Juvenile Least
Sandpipers on 12 August 2017. |
Juvenile Marbled
Godwit on 2 August 2017.
VIDEO: click photo above or this link. |
Christian Friis (CWS), Guy Morrison
(retired CWS) and Allie Anderson (Trent University) flew aerial
survey of shorebirds on the James Bay coast and Akimiski Island.
Each of our Longridge crew was stationed at a strategic point on the
ground where we counted all shorebirds before the chopper flew over
and again at the time they flew over. 8 August
2017. |
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Now go to page 4 |