in Guatemala - Page 5 of 6 |
Ocellated Turkey is a
special bird of Tikal where they roam the grounds. 3 March 2013. |
Tikal is a UNESCO
World Heritage Site. In addition to its cultural values, Tikal is an
important area for wildlife. |
White-nosed Coati at
Tikal |
Purple-crowned Fairy
at Tikal on 5 March 2013. |
Montezuma Oropendolas
were building their hanging nests over the access road to Tikal. 3
March 2013. |
Barton Creek Cave in Belize |
Wearing helmets and
lights we prepared to go caving in a canoe. 6 March 2013. |
The area is famous for
its limestone caves with Mayan artifacts inside. |
Access is by canoe on
Barton Creek that runs through the cave. |
Stalagtites and
limestone formations were spectacular.6 March 2013 |
Now go to Page 6 |