Tikal Mayan Site in Guatemala - Page 5 of 7

Tikal National Park is excellent for observing wildlife, which is protected within the park boundaries. White-nosed Coatis are easily seen at Tikal. 17 March 2014.


The Gran Plaza  at Tikal and Temple 1, also known as Temple of the Great Jaguar. Tikal is one of the largest ancient Mayan cities, and is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.


Temple of the Great Jaguar and the Gran Plaza.


Our group climbed Temple 2.


Orange-breasted Falcon is rare. It breeds at Tikal and perched in a tree near Temple 2. 18 March 2014.


We also climbed Temple 4, the highest temple at Tikal, and enjoyed a view of continuous forest canopy to the horizon, pierced by the tops (from left to right) of Temple 1 or Temple of the Great Jaguar, Temple 2, and Temple 3.


Giant Cowbird on Kaffirboom Coral Tree near the Gran Plaza. 18 March 2014


Because they are protected in the park, Ocellated Turkeys at Tikal are not afraid of people. 18 March 2014.


Young Pale-billed Woodpecker in its hole near where we were staying at Tikal Jungle Lodge in the park, an ideal location. 18 March 2014.


Montezuma Oropendola near hanging nests on the road to Tikal. 17 March 2014.


Members of our group with Billy, our Guatemalan guide. 18 March 2014.


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